Entries by admin

TIP 5: Contact your users!

You may not be able to compete with larger, more established sites on design, marketing or SEO budgets, but you can absolutely equal or out perform anyone on personal service. Your objectives when making contact with your audience should be to: – Improve their overall experience at your site – Encourage them to refer others […]

TIP 6: Sign up for Analytics

Simple tip for a Monday. If you haven’t done it, take a moment to sign up for Google Analytics. We’ve made this free service easy by allowing you to post the code right into your CMS.

TIP 7: Go to print!

Using print material to advertise your site is probably both easier and more effective than you think. Selling something 1 on 1 and in person has tremendous advantages over marketing blindly on the internet. Every single customer can be a huge asset to you, it is to your advantage to mix up your tactics. How […]

TIP 8: Amass an army!

If your an avid reader of our blog, you know that a rakeback customer is worth over $500. A less impressive number in the same article is $223 – the value of a referred customer. I assure you, $223 is a big number, much more significant that the first $500. How so, you ask in […]

TIP 9: Keep up with current events

We work very hard to provide you with helpful tips, answers to frequently asked questions, and announcements on current events and upcoming promotions. It might be easier than you think to stay on top of much of the informative information we release every day. How it’s done Subscribe to this thread In the blue bar […]

TIP 10: Keep your CMS organized

TIP 10: Keep your CMS organized Categories: Site Customization Keeping your HTML markup clean and organized is important for keeping edits simple, tracking problems and even improving SEO a bit. You can use the folder system to neatly file pages and elements within pages. How its done When you create new pages take a moment […]

TIP 11: Ditch TinyMCE

The TinyMCE Rich text editor is not your friend, really. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, TinyMCE is one of the editor style options available to you in your CMS editor. This option is attractive to most novice users, as it produces something like a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you […]

TIP 12: Show us your features!

Even if you have a small budget and a simple design, working with Poker Affiliate Solution’s software suite means your players have access to sophisticated account features. (NOTE: Please be cautious not to show private offers on outer pages! If your not sure if something is sensitive please ask us, some poker site can be […]

TIP 13: What are they searching for?

You might think that by this point all the best rakeback key words and phrases have been stolen away by timely opportunists. On the surface, that sentiment is difficult to argue with. If your are targeting the word “Rakeback” you have a serious hill to climb before you’ll make a significant dent in search results. […]

TIP 14: Help us help you!

We depend on your input for developing software and tailoring our services. Because all of us manage different parts of the operation, very few of us at PAS experience the software the same way you do. Please take a moment to register for the forums if you haven’t. Put some thought into what services you’d […]