Taking a Break

This week, I’m taking a break from posting the hard numbers of rakeback value, statistics, and analysis. I want to tell you about what made my Thursday afternoon and early evening.We all have to do something we’re passionate about. For me, at least as it relates to work and making money, the passion lies in marketing and looking for a good spot to get my money/time/interest in. (I guess it makes sense, since I’m in online poker marketing.) Yesterday I got to do both at the same time.Herb, our COO, and I were discussing our recent email open rates, and how we’ve noticed a slight decline in recent months. We decided to both freshen things up, do some A/B testing, and place a friendly wager. I come up with one subject line, he comes up with another. The higher open rate gets bought lunch at a favorite nearby spot – Fogo.As soon as he submitted his subject line, I knew I was in trouble. So far, I’m getting crushed. Herb has an open rate about 1.7% higher than mine. Since we’re about 18 hours in, it’s probably too much for me to make up.But there are a few wholely unrelated points here.1.) Do A/B or split testing. It’s so important to try different things. With your websites, with your emails, with your copy, with your advertisements, and with anything else you can think of. You will find out how to gain small edges. (Sometimes big ones.) It’s the sum of all these edges that makes you great or makes you suck. He says it better. Point is – test, then test some more. Then exploit your edges.2.) Keep in touch with your customers. Email Marketing is a part of any customer touchpoint strategy. It isn’t as good as personal relationships on IM or the phone or in person, but its still crucial. If you aren’t keeping in touch with your customers, get on it.3.) Enjoy what you’re doing. Spice it up. Email open rates aren’t sexy, but a free lunch always is. Compete. Compete against your competition, against each other, and against yourself. If you aren’t ready to do that, you may not be ready to do this.And finally, when you put in the work, take a second to enjoy it and observe the results. Even if you are down by 1.7%.-Byron

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