Managing Your Users

The Users section of the Publisher allows you to manage your members. The PAS Publisher recognizes three types of users:

Publishers: The owner of a PAS account and website. Each site can have only one publisher, but a single publisher may have many websites. The publisher has unlimited access to the backend (PAS Publisher administration) and frontend (website).

Publisher’s Assistant: A user created by the publisher to assist with website development and maintenance. Access to the backend is controlled by the publisher through permissions set in the PAS Publisher Control Panel.

Members: Anyone who signs up for a rakeback account through a publisher’s PAS website becomes a member. Members have frontend access only.

Member Searches

You can easily search for your members using the Publisher’s powerful search engine. The Member Search section allows you multiple options for tracking your members.

Member Search: This is the basic search. This screen allows you to search by first or last name, login name, or email address. If you leave the search field blank, it will display all members. The default display shows new member accounts created in the last 30days.

Quick Member Search: This isn’t a technically a search, but a listing by 3 distinct criteria. You can either see a listing of all members, new members, or members active (meaning they have generated MGR) within the last 30 days.

Advanced Member Search: The advanced search allows you to find members based on specific multiple criteria. For example, assume that you want to see a listing of all your members who joined on or before December 31, 2012, and whose lifetime MGR earnings are equal to or more than $1,000.00. You would select ‘Join Date’ as your first criterion, ‘less than or equal to’ as the modifier, and then select December 31, 2012 with the date picker for the term. Then click the green plus icon next to term field, and select ‘Lifetime MGR’, ‘greater than or equal to’, and enter 1,000 as the term. Make sure not to use any punctuation, dollar signs or decimals.

Group Options: This option is only available after you have completed a search. It allows you to create a list of members in a group based on some criteria; for example, you may have a group containing all of your members with lifetime MGRs over $10,000.00. Groups are a good way to target your members with special offers, deals, or promotions to encourage more play or retain existing players.

User Profile

The details of any member may be displayed by clicking on his name after a member search. This will bring up the User Profile screen.

In this section you may change the member’s password, view his referrals and support tickets, and other administrative tasks.

Member Tracker Searches

Member tracker searches work in much the same way as member searches, except that the focus of the search is on a tracker rather than a member. Trackers are what link a member to a particular poker room or offer. A tracker is their username or other identifier that links a player and poker room together. PAS Publishers generate revenue statistics for their members from the trackers generated from these trackers. Trackers are either generated by a player entering one when they sign up to an online poker room or when a publisher created campaign recognizes a new username at a poker room.

Member Tracker Search: This is the basic tracker search. You may search for a tracker by name. The search engine does not recognize wild card characters in a search, but a partial name will bring up all trackers that contain the partial word. For example, entering ‘eve’ will show trackers with names like eve88, eveningstar, or revelation.

Quick Tracker Search: This functions just like the Quick Member Search in that you may display trackers created in the last 30 days, active trackers in the last 30 days, or all trackers.

Advanced Tracker Search: The advanced tracker search allows you to search for trackers based on specific criteria.

Member Groups

Member groups are lists of players that the publisher creates manually. These lists can be based on any criteria the publisher prefers. This is done by doing a member search using the preferred criteria and clicking on the checkboxes next to the names of the users you would like to include in the group.

Click on the ‘Group Options’ tab. This will bring up the Group Options screen, which will contain a list of the members you have selected. Enter the group name in the text box next to “Add selected Members to”, and click the ‘Add to Group’ button.

Once your group is created, you will be automatically taken to the Member Group/View Group page. Here you can change the group name, or add or remove members from the group. You may also export a .CSV file (spreadsheet) containing the group data.

Remove a member: Simply check the box next to the member’s name and click on the ‘Remove Selected Members’ button.

Adding a member: Click on the ‘Search for Members to Add’ button. This will take you to the Member Search screen, where you can search for and add members as detailed above.

Smart Member Groups

Smart member groups are much like member groups, except that members are added and removed from a group automatically, based on criteria provided by the publisher. For example, you could specify that a group be created that only contains members whose lifetime MGR is greater than $1000.00. As new members reach that level, they would be automatically added to the group without the need for any intervention by the publisher.

To create a smart member group, enter the group name. Then select the criteria by which you would like members to be selected. You can create quite complex criteria here, such as a group that includes members with a lifetime MGR of over $1000.00 and a (current) monthly MGR over $100.00, for example. Once you have entered the name and criteria, just click on the ‘Create Smart Group’ button and your smart member group is ready to go.

Publisher Assistants

Publisher assistants are members who have access to the Publisher control panel. They are able to assist the publisher with a variety of administration tasks. The areas of the control panel that the assistant may access are determined by permissions set by the publisher.

Creating a Publisher Assistant

To create a publisher assistant, simply click on the ‘Create New Assistant’ button. Enter the details for the member, and then click on ‘Create Account’. The assistant does not need to be an existing member of your PAS site.

Editing Publisher Assistant Permissions

Once you have created an assistant, you may edit his or her permissions or view other details by clicking on the notepad icon under ‘Options’ in the Publisher Assistant screen.

You may also view the assistant’s support history and change his password by clicking on the appropriate tab.

Publisher Assistant Permissions

Permissions are a way of controlling access to the various areas of the publisher control panel. A publisher has access to all areas, and may specify which areas an assistant may access. An assistant never has access to the Cashier section.

This page was last modified on 12/18/2014 10:43:26