Tip 28: Be a Salesperson

You’ve just built an architectural wonder of a store. It’s on prime real estate right next to an infinitely large highway. You’ve swept the aisles, organized your merchandise (and its good merchandise) and put on your best suit and hat. You flip the the OPEN sign to face the public, flip the locks and throw open the doors to meet.. no one at all.Most of you will never receive a large influx of conversions from random search engine based encounters. You may have a storefront located on a street that can handle nearly unlimited traffic, but that’s just not enough to get people in the door. What you need to do is get out there and sell.How It’s DoneNo single technique works for everyone, and not everyone is potentially a great salesperson. There is a something common to all great salesmen that i know of, and its not a trait, but a habit. Persistence.Take some time to approach your rakeback venture as if you have no expectation of ever getting any sign ups from search engine traffic at all. At least for a period of time, forget all about keywords, page rank, search terms, headings and search friendly content. Explore other ways of getting people in the door. Can you convince friends or coworkers to visit your site? Can you cajole existing members to sign up friends? What about your local poker game, how many potential sign ups and referrers of sign ups exist there?Your not guaranteed to succeed if you are inventive, fearless and relentless, but very few people who do succeed do so without these habits!

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