Rep Porter wins WSOP Event #9, $1500 6-max NLHE

Rep Porter beat out more that 1,200 people to win the $1,500 six-handed Hold’em tournament. Although this was his 10th WSOP cash, this was his highest finish. After a long final table he won $372,843 and the bracelet. Official chip count for the start of the final table:
Seat 1) Devin Porter- $357,000
Seat 2) John Conkright- $997,000
Seat 3) Ralph “Rep” Porter- $732,000
Seat 4) Michiel Brummelhuis- $997,000
Seat 5) Anthony Shilyuk- $310,000
Seat 6) Nathan Templeton- $449,000
Michiel Brummelhuis took an early hit when Rep was able to double up through Brummelhuis. At the start of the hand, Porter raised from the button and Brummelhuis made it 104k. Porter tanks and then came over the top for 354k. Michiel then moved all in with A-Q suited and Porter calls with K-K. Once the flop and turn hit, the board read: 8, 5, 2, 3. Brummelhuis needed an ace or a 4 on the river, but he got neither. Porter chips up and Michiel is left with around 200k.
Brummelhuis had gone all-in on several hands before someone finally called him, and when they did his A-4 didn’t look good against John Conkright’s A-J. With a flop of Q, 6, 4 it looked like there might be some hope. The 2 on the turn seemed to be even better, but with a J on the river it was all over for Brummelhuis. Michiel Brummelhuis was the first to the rails after finishing 6th with $53,313.
On the 5th place elimination hand, Rep Porter raised to 45k from the button. Shilyuk moved all in for $138,000 and was called by Porter. Anthony Shilyuk tabled Kc 8c and Porter showed 3c 3s.
The flop: Jd, 4s, 2c
The turn: 4c
The river: 5d
Anthony Shilyuk went home in 5th with $70,859 in prize money.
With $101,228 in prize money, John Conkright was sent to the rail in 4th place. Nathan Templeton raised to 80k from the button and Conkright shoved all-in from the BB and Templeton made the call. Conkright’s Kc 5s was in trouble against Templeton’s Ac Tc, and with a flop of Ad, Th, Conkright needed running kings or a running straight to win. With a turn of As, Conkright was drawing dead.
Third place elimination went to Devin Porter. He had lost most of his chips to Rep on a previous hand, and was bounced on the next hand when Templeton 74 hit two pair to beat Devin’s pair of Aces.
As the heads up play between Templeton and Rep began, Rep had a 2.7 to 1 chip lead. Templeton was beat on the fourth hand of play after getting all in with K 9 against Rep’s K Q. With no help from the board, Templeton left in second place with $231,981, his second WSOP cash. Rep Porter took home $372,843 and his first WSOP bracelet.

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